Tuesday, November 9, 2010

hello everyone

i woke up SO TIRED.
It's probably because I fell asleep at around TWO AM this morning.
yes. that's it.
Grey skies are beautiful.
If Gray skies are beautiful, then I'm a math equation.
I'm a math equation.

Is that a logical thing to say? Do I have to start with the phrase "If Gray skies..."? I should have paid more attention in philosophy 201. That's okay though. I'm not too terribly concerned about that.
You know what I realized the other day? Paris does not have a pi day (14/03/11). I know, it's extremely upsetting. No fretting, I'll be partaking regardless.

I went to the flea market the other day! I bought 2 shirts for a whopping 2 euro. ^_^
I didn't have class last week because we were on our "fall break". I'm not sure if that gives me the excuse to be so completely lazy, but I was. Actually it was horrendous how lazy I was. I tried to do laundry for about 3 days, and failed each time. Eventually I kicked my butt into gear, but even so, once my clothes made it back to the apartment, I didn't even fold! There are still clothes waiting to be put away.
This past weekend, I was robbed of my iPhone and 30 euros. It was a very upsetting incident, but I'm ok with it now. Luckily I wasn't mugged, and I'm alright.
Hot diggity dog, my roommate just stepped out to buy some candy. I'm one lucky girl.

In my mind, I picture you having a day with plenty of smiles.Don't let me down.

1 comment:

  1. Sucks about your iPhone, nat. Mine was recently left on a windowsill that garnered condensation and got busted, but I found a dude in bham who fixed it for $90 (it needed a new battery and backlight, which is nothing compared to what apple would have charged me. it's $70 for a new battery alone from apple). Hope it didn't have pictures on it.
